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Pro-Lifers Can Celebrate Progress


Pro-Life activists can celebrate astonishing progress toward their most important goal: reducing the number of pregnancies that are terminated by abortion. The latest figures show the abortion rate has fallen to its lowest level in more than 30 years. Statistics indicate 17 abortions per 1,000 women of child-bearing age, down from a peak of 29 per 1000 in 1981. In other words the rate has been cut nearly in half.

Researchers associated with Planned Parenthood say tougher regulations in many states contributed to this decline but the most important change involves public attitudes. Carole Joffe of the University of California says the pro-life movement “has been very successful at stigmatizing abortion” and this has driven the long-term downward trend.

Whatever the frustrations of politics and the legal system, those fighting to protect the unborn have influenced the nation in a profound and positive manner.



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