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The Real Battle Between Good and Evil


On Sabbath eve of July 21st, the Salomon family in the Israeli community of Halamish prepared a “Shalom Zachor” celebration to welcome their new-born baby grandson. As they set out sweets and refreshments for their expected guests, a 19-year-old Palestinian stranger burst into the home and stabbed four members of the family, and killing three of them, ranging in age from 36 to 70.

The savage assault coated the floor of the kitchen and dining room with literally gallons of spilled blood, before an off-duty soldier, hearing the commotion in a neighboring home, shot and apprehended the terrorist.

The terror organization Hamas hailed the “operation” as “heroic” and the UN representative for the Palestinian Authority refused to condemn it. These reactions highlight the nature of the ongoing, worldwide struggle against Islamo-Nazi terror.

It’s not about borders, or mosques, or metal detectors: it’s about good and evil, life versus death. Our domestic political differences look trivial by comparison.



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